Botnia Exploration Holding AB (publ) changes its liquidity provider to Carnegie Investment Bank AB.

Botnia Exploration Holding AB (publ) has terminated the liquidity provider assignment with Erik Penser and has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank AB as new liquidity provider for the company's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The arrangement is in accordance with the framework of Nasdaq Stockholm's rules on liquidity providers.

In the role of liquidity provider Carnegie undertakes to continuously quote prices for the Botnia Exploration Holding AB (publ) share in accordance with the from time-to-time applicable minimum requirements for liquidity providers set out by Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose is to improve the liquidity of the share and reduce the spread between the buying and selling price.

Carnegie’s assignment commences on 30 November 2023.

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Botnia Exploration Holding AB
Lill-Fäbodtjärnen 1, SE- 921 74 Vindelgransele, Sweden